If you book via Sixt.de for a rental in US you can presently find an interesting promotion. It is called Sixt Early Bird. Sixt will grant up to 20 % discount for rentals in US.
Guys, don`t make things so complicated.
Also in US Sixt presently is advertising "THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM". Based on this action up to 25 % can be saved for worldwide rentals at Sixt in US.
Guys, don`t make things so complicated.
Also in US Sixt presently is advertising "THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM". Based on this action up to 25 % can be saved for worldwide rentals at Sixt in US.
Yes, true, it seems to be the identical promotion action as just has been launched in Europe. So it can be easily used in US also by going via the Sixt.com portal in US.